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Quiz Italian confusables. English Usage. Retrieved Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Articles needing additional references from July All articles needing additional references Articles with a promotional tone from October All articles with a promotional tone Articles needing additional references from October Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia. You could hardly miss the huge eight- diamond. In Australia and certain other countries, Huggies diapers are typically marketed in gender-specific versions for boys and girls. He opened the and started walking up to the house. French images. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Word in Definition. This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Engineers in the Memphis, Beech Island, South Carolina , and New Milford, Connecticut mills devised a wide variety of tissue machine designs that would eventually incorporate layers of absorbent padding of varying thickness. French to English.

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Wikipedia Rate this definition: 5. Fred US English. This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Retrieve it. English usage. Read Edit View history.

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There always things to think about when she went walking. As it was designed to fit snugly, the name Kleenex Huggies was chosen and the redesigned diaper was introduced in December Hayley Australian. Are we missing a good definition for huggies? Hindi to English. Submit Definition. The ASL fingerspelling provided here is most commonly used for proper names of people and places; it is also used in some languages for concepts for which no sign is available at that moment. It's World Pizza Day, and to celebrate we discuss the vocabulary around one of our favourite food staples. Traditional Chinese images. Korean English to Korean. View More Submit. Toggle limited content width. Quiz German confusables. Thanks for your vote!

Urban Dictionary: Huggie

  • Diaperstraining pantsbaby wipes.
  • Researchers will help us better understand the causes and.
  • Daniel British.
  • They introduced the Kimbies brand of diapers in
  • Secondary School.
  • Feb 27,

Huggies is the brand name of a disposable diaper marketed by Kimberly-Clark. Huggies were first test marketed in , then introduced to the public in to replace the Kimbies brand. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Term » Definition. Word in Definition. Wikipedia Rate this definition: 5. How to pronounce huggies? Alex US English. David US English. Mark US English. Daniel British. Libby British. Mia British. Karen Australian. Hayley Australian. Natasha Australian.

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Huggies meaning. Definition of 'huggy'

Huggies is an American company that sells disposable diapers and baby wipes that is marketed by Kimberly-Clark. Huggies were huggies meaning test marketed inthen introduced to the public in to replace the Kimbies brand. Kimberly-Clark started delving into the diaper market in They introduced the Kimbies brand of diapers in Kimberly-Clark scientist Frederick J. Hrubrecky [1] designed huggies meaning initial diaper and was granted a patent in Hrubecky experimented with diaper technology that included body contouring which would adapt better than standard fit diapers, huggies meaning. Hrubecky incorporated diaper adhesive tapes that replaced safety pins after consumer tests in Denver and Salt Lake City proved they were one of the best features. Kimbies production suffered huggies meaning the early s after a strike occurred at the Memphis plant. Inthe adhesives were switched from plastisol to latex due to increased costs. This led to negative feedback due to latex being less durable, huggies meaning. Engineers in the Memphis, Beech Island, South Carolinaand New Milford, Connecticut mills devised a wide variety of tissue machine designs that would eventually incorporate layers of absorbent padding of varying thickness. As it was designed to fit snugly, the name Kleenex Huggies was chosen and the redesigned diaper was introduced in December Huggies are diapers for premature babies, newborns, huggies meaning, and infants, and they have varieties for daytime and nighttime, huggies meaning.

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We're doing our best to make sure our huggies meaning is useful, accurate and safe. Tessa South African.

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